So Everybody Put Your Best Suit Or Dress On
Well, it’s that time of year again. Junior Senior came and went. It’s weird not being a part of something that used to be my life! Heh oh yes, I lived for banquets. Haha no, not really. I actually found them quite tiresome, what with having to go down to the mall and buy a dress and figuring out what to do with my hair (which always ended up being down anyway ;p). Or trying to find the perfect shoes that matched. Oh and we can't forget the problem of figuring out who could sit at an eight seater table when 10 people wanted to sit together. Not to mention the stress involved in the post banquet plans, for you simply had to have the best and certainly coolest plan! Drama drama drama ;). But they had their fun side as well. Especially when you caught yourself hoping for FIVE months prior to the banquet, that that special someone would ask you. From the photo’s I saw of this year's banquet though, everyone looked cute. But for some reason a large portion of the girls had dresses that were an aqua blue color. Vogue must have predicted (commanded) that this would be the “in” color of the year or something. ;)
Haha.. I remember the whole ten people but eight seat problem.
I will see you soon! Cannot wait.
MS, at Thursday, April 13, 2006
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