Today I babysat eight “charming” little girls and one Norwegian boy for the new tribes people who were having a translation conference. It was an interesting experience, who would have known that four year olds could be so violent with each other. I get to do this for four hours Monday through Saturday; I hope it goes better than it did today. I’m thinking it will because I went there sick with a sore throat and a slight fever, and I’m hoping that I infected at least three of the little darlings perhaps even four, so maybe they won’t be able to come the whole week. Heh, I hope their parents do read this; they’d probably kill me for getting their kids sick.
"students do not realize that their blogs are public. anybody can see them."
kraig, at Wednesday, April 19, 2006
shoot... are you for real?! man oh man oh man... haha i love faith scandals, they make the school year go buy oh so much better. But we're all wiser now aren't we, no more foolish blogging for us.
Joy, at Wednesday, April 19, 2006
oh yeah, theres stuff i wont ever blog about now. like i would never post anything about the time you and i eloped and then got divorced that one time in vegas/tay-tay
kraig, at Thursday, April 20, 2006
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