Imagine you are standing over a very high cliff. You're looking over when suddenly someone pushes you. You loose your balance and almost fall over. How would you feel towards that person when you turn around? Angry? Furious? When you turn around though you realize that the person is blind. Now how do you feel? There's a mind change somewhere. Suddenly you're not mad anymore, simply because the man is blind. He didn't know any better for he didn't even see that you were there.
Moral: Don't let your emotions run away with you. The person "pushing you over the edge" is blind to what you're feeling.
That was an illustration given on sunday and I'd never heard it before. I love illustrations that I connect with. Hurray for Pastor Tanchi.
On another and completely different note, the 11th Alaska Cup was on saturday! For those of you who don't know what Alaska Cup is, it's a two day soccer tournament. Every year more and more teams join so it's always fun to see hundreds of soccer players all gather together on two days to play soccer. This year it was really nice because, although i didn't get to play, the weather was perfect--overcast and breezy. So it was still fun to watch my brother play. His team only got sixth place though :(
Moral: Don't let your emotions run away with you. The person "pushing you over the edge" is blind to what you're feeling.
That was an illustration given on sunday and I'd never heard it before. I love illustrations that I connect with. Hurray for Pastor Tanchi.
On another and completely different note, the 11th Alaska Cup was on saturday! For those of you who don't know what Alaska Cup is, it's a two day soccer tournament. Every year more and more teams join so it's always fun to see hundreds of soccer players all gather together on two days to play soccer. This year it was really nice because, although i didn't get to play, the weather was perfect--overcast and breezy. So it was still fun to watch my brother play. His team only got sixth place though :(
pssh... i won that thing sophomore year. that was the golden age of faith soccer... *sarcastic nostalgia*
japanaysian, at Monday, November 13, 2006
haha YOU won it huh. all by your little self. And i guess i'll have to agree with you...when we payed soccer at faith it was definitely the golden age...alas, what is happening to our once great team! All the superstars have graduated! ;D
Joy, at Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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