ART! Is it worth it??
Ok my art professor is killing me! Heh, seriously though, he asks the hardest questions and yet they appear so simple at first. But don’t let that fool you; they’re actually not simple at all! He’s a trickster alright. Ok he asked questions like: “Should the artist’s technical skill be a prerequisite for a work of art?”
And I’m thinking yes it should and then I’m like shoot… what about all those famous paintings that look like the artist is lacking any hint of “technical” skill, you know the ones that are just a whole bunch of random colors thrown together! Heh, yeah, I didn’t want to seem “uncultured” and then another question was: “What distinguishes the profession of “artist” from other professions?”
Um…ok, actually what DOES distinguish it? I mean my immediate response was, oh they don’t have an office and they are a “free spirit” no on can tell them what to do, cuz they’re “artists” haha… But artists these days do keep regular hours and are even paid by the hour (cartoon drawers, or newspaper drawers even though they’re less “refined” they’re still considered to have a profession as an artist) and not necessarily paid just by the “paintings” they produce, even though hardly any “artists” today actually work with paint and canvas. So needless to say my answers were super long cuz I looked at it from both ways and me being the weirdo that I am, had to explain EVERYTHING. Thus a one-page paper requirement turned into a four-page research paper! Heh, my poor professor is going to kill me!
And I’m thinking yes it should and then I’m like shoot… what about all those famous paintings that look like the artist is lacking any hint of “technical” skill, you know the ones that are just a whole bunch of random colors thrown together! Heh, yeah, I didn’t want to seem “uncultured” and then another question was: “What distinguishes the profession of “artist” from other professions?”
Um…ok, actually what DOES distinguish it? I mean my immediate response was, oh they don’t have an office and they are a “free spirit” no on can tell them what to do, cuz they’re “artists” haha… But artists these days do keep regular hours and are even paid by the hour (cartoon drawers, or newspaper drawers even though they’re less “refined” they’re still considered to have a profession as an artist) and not necessarily paid just by the “paintings” they produce, even though hardly any “artists” today actually work with paint and canvas. So needless to say my answers were super long cuz I looked at it from both ways and me being the weirdo that I am, had to explain EVERYTHING. Thus a one-page paper requirement turned into a four-page research paper! Heh, my poor professor is going to kill me!
haha. that is difficult. keep up the good arguments. :)
b, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005
he can't kill you if he can't see you. haha, just kidding nIomi.
kraig, at Thursday, September 08, 2005
yeah kragi, maybe it's a good thing he can't see me too cuz i've seen him and he's a gross old man.. ah.. remember mr kiehlbach freshman year whe he admitted to having a picture of me!! ah.. grossest thing of my life!
Joy, at Thursday, September 08, 2005
kraig, at Friday, September 09, 2005
I took an entire class at SC on why art is NOT a profession. There are only 3; medicine, law, and education. The rest cannot be called a profession. End of discussion.
Andrew L., at Friday, September 09, 2005
haha, i'd like to see you be so confident with that information to my art professor!
Joy, at Saturday, September 10, 2005
davy, i changed my whole blog color just for you! heh, it now is sooo ugly cuz all the colors are totally by accident and you can tell! i just typed in different numbers and it gave me different colors! heh, but it was fun. and i hope you can read it now!
Joy, at Saturday, September 10, 2005
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