Four Year Olds
Man oh Man, I think I was meant to never grow up. Yeah, I definitely have a Pan complex (for all you AP English wanna-be’s). I’ve been working with the cutest four year olds for the past five days, four hours each day, and I’m starting realize how much I miss being their age. I especially miss coloring in their coloring books. The big pictures and all the happy and exciting images one finds inside a simple coloring book make me so happy. It’s like all those empty spaces on the happy Winnie the pooh or the beautiful Cinderella dress are just begging to be brightened up with color. I remember spending hours everyday just coloring in my coloring books when I was little. Now, once I sit down with the kids and start coloring again I’m realizing what I’ve been missing. Except today, I noticed, as I began to look around that me and the most adorable four-year-old girl named Thea, were the only ones left coloring at the table. All the other kids, the ones that I was meant to be watching, were off on the other side of the room playing something else. I almost got up, but then I second thought the action, and decided to stay coloring. It’s seriously the most relaxing activity in the world. I’m honestly contemplating going down to the mall and buying some coloring books and markers for myself.
Boy, do I wish I could go back to those times...
Yemin Jang, at Sunday, April 23, 2006
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