Nose full of Snot

Today I am sick, hence the time for a new post. I have a cold. My eyes feel heavy and achy. My nose is currently plugged up with tissue to stop it from leaking. Yes, I decided to shove gobs of tissue up there so that i wouldn't have to keep wiping my nose as it leaked all over me. The tissue shoved up there is quite handy but it does make my nose tickle.
I just watched "United 93". It was well done; I liked how towards the end of the film everything was jumbled. The passengers really did look wild as they were scrambling for the controls of the plane with bloody fingers and what have you. I was a bit dismayed though at the slant the film took. In the beginning the directors have the terrorist praying to Allah, and then the next scene you see a sign in the US flashes across the screen with the words "God bless America" written in bold. Coincidence? I think not. Towards the end this is even more pronounced as the camera switches back and forth from passengers frantically praying Psalm 23 and the terrorists chanting out incoherent prayers to Allah. Unless you're a moron you can't help be become skeptical of both religions. Why? Because those people praying Psalm 23 die - thus they're prayers are apparently of no avail, their God did not come and rescue them - and those who are praying to Allah are clearly extremists - terrorist performing a mass slaughter due directly because of their religious beliefs.
Although it's not made a large focal point in the film, this subliminal message is only too clear, "religion is the reason why 9-11 happened." As though it's not just the Muslim's fault but also the Christians, the Islamists, the Hindus etc - It's religion's fault that this has happened, as though we need to abolish all religion so that this will never happen again. The movie is definitely taking that type of a slant and it bothers me. But on the flip side, the bible does emphasize that there will be one World religion during the end times, so I guess there's no use fighting what's ultimately going to come to pass one of these days.
Hmm, that’s an interesting take on the movie. I left the film with a much different perspective (which is explained fully in my original review). You and I would both agree that the side-by-side analysis of Islam and Christianity is not a coincidence. (The two scenes you described were the terrorists praying to Allah and the shot of the “God Bless America” sign, and the prayer scene near the end of the film.)
However, where you see those elements as comparing (or even equating) Islam with Christianity, I see them as contrasting Islam with Christianity. I don’t think the point of the film was to say that religion itself is the problem. If anything, I think Paul Greengrass was attempting to show the true nature of the terrorists. We see in the film that we can’t dismiss the terrorist actions as the antics of crazy lunatics. They were committed to their cause, convinced that they were following God’s orders. In the movie, we came face to face with the real enemy of September 11: militant Islam. Far from lumping Islam and Christianity together, United 93 showed the difference between the two religions. On religion led to an act of terrorism. The other led to an act of heroism.
Those are my two cents, anyway.
Cap Stewart, at Thursday, May 03, 2007
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