time passes me by
Today I slept in…half on accident, half on purpose. Does that really count? I’m thinking no, but I did anyway. I have the worse sore throat and headache and I think those little munchkins that I babysat last week are responsible for giving me this parting present. I don’t really mind being sick (even though I haven’t been sick for over a year now) but I do mind not getting my schoolwork done! I have been putting off an economics paper for almost a week now, and I just remembered I have an anthropology write up due in a few hours. And of course next week I have exams! Heh, I’m so busy, yet I’m not doing anything about it! And just think; in two weeks NONE of it will matter because it will ALL be OVER! Hurray for time; it never stops moving.
isn't it scary how fast time goes by..boy i mean..who would've thought that we were in high school just a year ago....
Yemin Jang, at Tuesday, April 25, 2006
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