Never EVER Swallow Bleach.
Yesterday as I was doing the dishes I came upon a tray that had some chicken on it. I thought to myself, "Rather than throw this delightful morsel of chicken away I will injest it and let it's nutrients become a part of my own matter." As I happily popped the little sucker into my mouth a feeling like Death decided to spread out over my entire being. I gagged, I choked, I ran to the nearest water dispenser and gushed gobbs of cold water in my mouth, swished it around and spit it out. The Death, rather than dissipating however, seemed to spread even more in my mouth. I felt it's poisen reaching down to the depths of my throat as well up to my nose as it seeped through the roof of my mouth. Suddenly my throat was extremely soar as the poisen dried and destroyed whatever it touched. Why was it spreading everytime I tried to delute it with water!?
Then I thought, "It must be bleach...Bleach is an acid...I must drink's a base" good old Mr. Landers had taught me well boy! I chugged the milk as though my life depended on it. Relief flooded through my body. I had outwitted the bleach. WAHAHAHAHA...My life I had saved. I felt rather clever. Then when I asked my mom about it later, I realized it was not bleach that I had unwittingly taken into my mouth but rather Joy dishwashing soap. "Mild on the hands" Joy dishwashing soap. How unromantic. I was no where near the death I supposed was eminently towering over me. That was why as I swished the water around in my mouth the soap only spread making bubbles... hum...ehheh(sheepish giggle)
Then I thought, "It must be bleach...Bleach is an acid...I must drink's a base" good old Mr. Landers had taught me well boy! I chugged the milk as though my life depended on it. Relief flooded through my body. I had outwitted the bleach. WAHAHAHAHA...My life I had saved. I felt rather clever. Then when I asked my mom about it later, I realized it was not bleach that I had unwittingly taken into my mouth but rather Joy dishwashing soap. "Mild on the hands" Joy dishwashing soap. How unromantic. I was no where near the death I supposed was eminently towering over me. That was why as I swished the water around in my mouth the soap only spread making bubbles... hum...ehheh(sheepish giggle)
For the record, chlorine bleach (sodium hypoclorite) is a base. You would know this from the bitter taste, as opposed to the sour one you would have received should you have ingested an acid.
Milk, being slightly acidic, would not have helped you neutralize another acid, however, it probably wouldn't have hindered much. Your best bet is to drink water, and lots of it.
Andrew L., at Saturday, November 25, 2006
once again, the andrew is able to look things up online and recite them back to me. I stand amazed. But actually that's why it was meant to be ironic that i attributed my great chemistry skills to mr landers, because they're obviously not that great. but thanks for pointing them out again.
Joy, at Monday, November 27, 2006
Princess: I just had to goggle to find out what I needed to do, Because I thought I was drinking my water and swallow Bleach. My throat, my mouth, felt like it was on fire and I just kept drinking water,it wasnt until today I realized I should have been drinking milk. I still feel so bad and my head heart. I dont wish this experience on no one.
Princess653, at Thursday, December 11, 2008
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