Escapade at Midnight
I think I’m in the twilight zone… besides intensely loving that show; I’m a bit freaked out right now. It all started around midnight. I was traveling alone in my Toyota corolla on the valley golf (gulf for Andrew lee my best friend) road when I see a man on a bicycle coming towards me. He swerves in and out of my lane, and I’m going super fast and I almost hit him. I honk really loud but he keeps swerving in my lane. Finally I’m so close I almost hit him, then I get a chance to look at his face and realize that the guy is totally stoned or drunk, probably both. Anyway, I pass him just as he decides it might be better for him to get out of my way and into his own lane. I proceed on my journey home. Then about thirty seconds later two guys on motorcycles come speeding down the road as though they’re after the drunk guy I’m so busy looking at them whiz by that I don’t see the dog running on the road straight towards my car regardless of the headlights shinning right in his face. I screech to a stop as the dog keeps running towards my car. Then as the dog gets nearer I notice that it’s carrying what looks like a limp and probably dead kitten in his mouth. What in the world is wrong with this, it’s like a perversion of nature or something. I’m noticeably freaked out, and since no one was around I start yelling in the air about how freakishly weird everything is. But it doesn’t end. I get to the end of valley golf/gulf and am about to turn onto Ortigas when I notice about fifty guys on motorcycles just sitting at the crossroads. I’m forced to stop to wait for a chance to get through the intersection and to my great chagrin I realize that I’m now just a couple of feet away from my motorcycle friends who are now staring at me through my open window. Needless to say I feel extremely vulnerable and wish I could hurry through the intersection. I resolve not to look them in the eye, which seems to usually work just as well with men as it does with ANIMALS. I see an opening and I take it. I rush through the intersection and feel better. Then I hear motorcycle engines behind me and I realize that three of the herd has decided to follow me down Ortigas. I feel the adrenaline pumping and I speed up as fast as I can, pushing my little corolla to its limit. I love my cute little corolla. I totally outdistanced those losers in a matter of seconds! Boohyah! SHUT-DOWN!!!
That was great. I felt like I was there. I'm going to miss driving in the Philippines.
Anonymous, at Sunday, May 07, 2006
men aren't.... animals.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 10, 2006
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