Summer UPDATE :0)
It’s been a good summer so far. A lot of people are back to my country. I shall now proceed to list all I can think of who are back: Audrey, David, Leah, Greg, Aaron (erin moohahaha), Myra, Ben, Renee, Daniel Dy, and Sethie. Yup a lot of people and it’s been fun to hang out with them again as if we’d never graduated. It’s strange how a year can go by, and yet the moment I see friends from faith I feel as though I’m right back in school again. I went to see the movie Poseidon… yeah, let’s just say I’m upset I even paid to go see that movie. What capped the whole thing off was how they conveniently found a life raft floating near by when they FINALLY got out of that cruise ship. I also saw over the hedge…not what I thought it would be but ok if you’re a little kid which I find that I AM. I saw X-Men last night and thought it was only ok. Better than Poseidon anyway, and the ending was cool. Still waiting to see Da Vinci code with David but he has to finish the book first like the dumb butt that he is. Don’t get me started on the book and all its inconsistencies in raw facts, not to mention that the author is guilty of down right plagiarism. But despite that I still want to see the movie.
On another note, grad was just last night. So weird going to this building that we were just in almost exactly a year ago and watching what happened to us only it was happening for another class. I’m gonna miss a lot of those little people. And it was funny watching them walk down the stage and thinking, how in the world are these little kids going to make it in college they look like middleschoolers to me. And yet I’m sure we looked just the same to others when we graduated. On another side though, I just realized how boring grad could be when you don’t have someone graduating or you’re not involved in the ceremony. It seemed to go on forever and the words of wisdom were lost on me cuz I found myself pay more attention to who was actually in the room heh dumb I know, but I couldn’t help “scoping” it all out. Well the little seniors have had their senior party. I wonder if they all cried like we did even though I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going to when we had our senior party. Such mixed memories and emotions associated with the end of my senior year. Anyway, summer has officially started in my house now; hopefully it will be a good one. (And I CAN”T believe Taylor won I just can’t believe it.)
On another note, grad was just last night. So weird going to this building that we were just in almost exactly a year ago and watching what happened to us only it was happening for another class. I’m gonna miss a lot of those little people. And it was funny watching them walk down the stage and thinking, how in the world are these little kids going to make it in college they look like middleschoolers to me. And yet I’m sure we looked just the same to others when we graduated. On another side though, I just realized how boring grad could be when you don’t have someone graduating or you’re not involved in the ceremony. It seemed to go on forever and the words of wisdom were lost on me cuz I found myself pay more attention to who was actually in the room heh dumb I know, but I couldn’t help “scoping” it all out. Well the little seniors have had their senior party. I wonder if they all cried like we did even though I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going to when we had our senior party. Such mixed memories and emotions associated with the end of my senior year. Anyway, summer has officially started in my house now; hopefully it will be a good one. (And I CAN”T believe Taylor won I just can’t believe it.)
all of us 05 kids who are back should all go out sometime.. send a text my way whenever. 09175293611
Anonymous, at Friday, May 26, 2006
yo! that's really cool you're already on break! so many people are back - how fun!!
Yemin Jang, at Friday, May 26, 2006
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