Wisdom Teeth
I think I’m getting my wisdom teeth. this whole “teething” process is quite annoying. I can’t believe I went through this times a million when I was first getting my teeth as a baby. No wonder babies are irritable when they start teething. Then again, aren’t you meant to have your wisdom teeth taking out before they start to appear on your gums? Shoot. I’m not relishing getting my gums ripped open and my teeth yanked out. Ahh just thinking about how swollen my face will become due to the soreness of my gums causes pangs of anticipated pain to shoot up from my gums and into my head. Ah the inevitable roads ahead do not look pleasant. I’m grappling over telling my parents vs. not mentioning it at all and hoping it all works out for the best. I’m still trying to decide.
Actually, I'm not sure which "medicine man" most of the Faith kids went to, but when I had mine removed during a long, complicated surgery, I had very minimal swelling.
My recommendation: Find a dentist that doesnt try to rub cocaine on your gums to anaesthetize you. Or maybe that's your thing. I don't know.
Andrew L., at Thursday, June 01, 2006
Oh, I forgot to mention that it's not always long or complicated, and that it is a well established, highly routine procedure. You shouldn't have to experience much more pain that I, and certainly no where near as much as some of the kids I've seen gone through it.
Andrew L., at Thursday, June 01, 2006
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