The Wood Between the Worlds

Saturday, February 25, 2006

My Beautiful Stomach and Babies

I woke up “moaning” (if that’s the right word) last night, and realized that my stomach hurt. I was in the weirdest stupor though and seriously didn’t quite realize that I was the one who was making those pathetic sounds. But somehow I fell asleep again. When I woke up the following morning my stomach felt fine. Weird eh?! I wonder what made my stomach hurt that bad, probably something I ate. But that got me thinking, it’s going to hurt like crazy when I have a baby. Haha you know, because they’re both kind of located in the stomach area…it’s not totally random I swear.

Oh and I’ll try and post a picture of miss Hillabush soon so you all can see what she looks like… I’ll have to get a sneaky shot of her though, cuz I can’t very well ask her to pose for me so I can put her picture up on my blog haha it sounds like something I would do though.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Someone's Engaged

No, it's not ben and renee, now it's mr Bunting... yes it's true, he is engaged as of last saturday nigth. He proposed to a one Miss Hillabush--a new teacher up at faith.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

If dreams are like movies, then memories are films about Ghosts

Last night Lydia had a dream that Keira Knightley was being killed, Joseph had a dream that I was being killed, and Mary had a dream that David was being killed. Something odd is definitely going to happen soon.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Country Music

Danielle Peck just made my day. What never heard of her? Check out iTunes Free Download of the week called "I Don't." Here are the lyrics to the chorus below:

"You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is....
Jesus loves you, Oh I know
Jesus loves you...but I don't"

Heh, those lyrics sound incredibly bad when simply read, and yet when you hear her sing them they sound so funny. It made me laugh quite hard when I first heard it. I guess, this is a bit of a retraction because I really feel that Christ does want us to love everyone, even though some people can be absolutely retarded!!! Isn't it weird though how messages like those can seem so normal when accompanied with a few right chords of music. I think we need to pay more attention to what we're listening to. The excuse that you don't listen to the lyrics and only like the song because of the music is NOT true.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Stampede in Manila

A few days ago a raffle was hosted by a well known filippino TV show. They were giving away prizes, big prizes on a first come first serve basis. Some of the prizes were whole houses with land, 3 taxi cabs, a couple tricycles, needless to say a lot of people showed up, over 30,000. It got out of control and a stampede broke out, people wanted to reach the entrance of the building first. 72 people were killed, all for a couple of prizes. My ate’s cousin was one of them. What is that about? How can people actually trample over each other?! It’s insane. What’s more, earlier that day Billy Graham’s son, who was touring the area, held a “revival meeting” with turnouts of over 40,000 people, only there was no stampede, no one was really that anxious to claim the prize of eternal life.

"How much better to get wisdom than gold,
to choose understanding rather than silver"
Proverbs 16:16

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Love Type

Heh I can't seem to get enough of these tests, they're such a waste of time but they're so fun. I would post up a link to the site, only I don't know how to do that, unlike all those savvy computer whiz’s out there... perhaps I shall learn. Anyway, this was a test to see what type of personality one has when dealing with a love relationship, something like that at least. I ended up with ISTJ. I'm not sure if it fits me well, and I absolutely loath standardised tests… But whatever I still took it...test results are expounded below:

" About 7% of the U.S. population possesses the combination of traits that make up this personality type.

Being an ISTJ means that you are usually one cool customer. Although, few would describe you as being warm, cuddly, or sentimental, many people likely see you as an important source of support in their lives. That's because when things are chaotic or falling apart, you're the type of person who can be virtually unflappable. ISTJs like you are known for being talented problem solvers.

When it comes to your relationships, you usually know how to speak up for yourself so that others know what you want. But that doesn't mean you're rigid or inflexible. In fact, you're quite willing to bend for the right person. They just need to make their case honestly and present the facts. Your type could make a good detective or lawyer in this way; you can be a methodical thinker. When someone is asking you to change, you like both your head and your heart to be convinced. So empty sweet talk or flattery won't get people very far where you're concerned. You aren't the kind to give the run around and don't expect it back. Fair play and plain talk are ISTJ credos. As a result, people who are secure enough to hear the truth are in for a treat. Not only will they get a relationship built on honesty but a loyal and trustworthy partner as well."