The Wood Between the Worlds

Thursday, September 14, 2006

An Excerpt From Uncle Tom’s Cabin:

“All that they knew was, that [the Bible] spoke of a glory to be revealed, - a wondrous something yet to come, wherein their soul rejoiced, yet knew not why, and though it be not so in the physical, yet in moral science that which cannot be understood is not always profitless. For the soul awakens, a trembling stranger between two dim eternities, - she needs must yearn towards the unknown; and the voices and shadowy movings which come to her from out of the cloudy pillar of inspiration have each one echoes and answers in her own expecting nature. Its mystic imageries are so many talismans and gems inscribed with unknown hieroglyphics; she folds them in her bosom, and expects to read them when she passes beyond the veil.” (Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe)

Heh, I’ll admit I had to read this passage several times before it really hit home, especially the first sentence which is a bit verbose but is nonetheless one of the best in the paragraph. For that which “cannot be understood IS NOT always profitless.” She hit the nail smack on the head. So many times I’ve found myself getting frustrated with things I cannot understand in the Bible and consequently I begin to consider them as totally worthless for if I can’t understand it how does it benefit me, and yet Stowe is right. Even though I cannot understand everything that I read it is in no way profitless, for it does awaken in me the realization that there are things not of this world; things which are higher than myself. And as a result I AM left a “trembling stranger” caught between “two dim eternities,” heaven and earth. In a way it’s still quite annoying though that there is a veil which blinds us from understanding what I am convinced is all quite plainly written in God’s word. But that makes me look forward all the more to the day when I will reach heaven and the earthly veil will be lifted and I will be able to see and understand.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Root Canal

Two days ago I received my first, and hopefully last, root canal. It was quite the experience, although it wasn’t the pain so much that made it interesting, as it was the numbness I felt. It’s something I hate and yet I found myself fascinated by it. As the dentist was putting the shots of whatever it was that made almost the entire left side of my face go numb, I could feel the stuff surging into, oddly enough, my tongue of all places. With every pulse of my heart I felt something akin to a very minor electric shock, so tiny it feels similar to a small itch, throbbing into my tongue. It was weird, and I was probably imagining it – which if I was is even more interesting since my brain can play such real tricks on me.

And then the horrible feeling (or rather lack there of) that I should be feeling whatever it is which is making such a horrible drilling sound in my mouth was quite nerve racking. I mean this was some intense drilling and I couldn’t feel a thing… It was quite the perversion of nature and it made me feel very apprehensive as though my dentist would suddenly hit a nerve that had not been deadened and explosions of pain would burst upon me. Ahh even now it’s making me tense up.

So now my much beloved molar has been ground up into millions of tiny shards and consequently its root has dried up and is currently dead…It makes me kind of sad to think that I didn’t take care of it and now my friendly little molar is gone forever. I’m definitely brushing after every meal from now on.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Nadal Loses US Open Quaterfinals

Humph…Nadal lost and to an un-seeded player at that…Needless to say it was a sad day for me and yet it wasn’t that bad because it looked like Nadal wasn’t quite ready to win this tournament yet. That's not to say that he won't win the US Open because his time is definitely coming (we might have to kill Federer though). But what made me really happy was that Tommy Haas was TERMINATED by none other than the frail cancer looking Davydenko! ahh.. It made me so happy. I loathe and despise Haas with an intense and burning passion that doesn't seem altogether Christian. Ah I could go on and on about why I hate him, all the evils and wicked tricks this German possesses but I wont. Just know that they're so atrocious they put him right up there with Hitler and Satan.

Friday, September 01, 2006

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I stayed up till around 3 a.m. watching Nadal play his second tennis match in the U.S. Open...what is happening to me. i'm becoming obsessed and he's not even that good on hard court and it kills me everytime he looses a point. I think it's love. Wahahahhaahahhaah NOT! that's disgusting.. Just disgusting. i will never fall in love with a tv personality...never EVER. Plus, I'm not sure about this, but I'm thinking that Nadal is gay. Why else would there be almost no pictures of him with girls EVER?!

And I guess I'll have to retract my first statement because I did strongly want to marry Paul Newman at one time...and i'm not sure that time has yet passed... He was so amazingly handsome in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and in basically in everything, so how can you blaim can't.

Look, he doesn't even look happy with his wife. that's not a smile it's a smirk. he hates her and he realizes that he was born too soon and that he was meant to marry me. It was supposed to happen...