I was reading Daniel Walton's blog and I noticed the pictures, which he created and posted, were simply amazing! What blew my mind away the most though was that he did it all on the computer! He talked about Ryan Church, so I googled his name and went to his website and this guy is really good. He does a lot of futuristic stuff such as scenes that you would find in starwars. And even though I like things to be a bit more natural than all that I was still fascinated at the skill involved in making this stuff. Then again, it also makes you wonder at what will happen say fifty years from now in the Art world. I mean will they give off using physical brushes and start doing everything via computers! It's bittersweet to see how far technology has come. On the one hand it simply takes my breath away how real everything can look when it is all done digitally, and yet on the other hand, it makes me sad to think that paint, brush and canvas are really, no longer needed to create such beautiful pictures, and thus will probably become obsolete and most likely looked upon as time consuming and unnecessary form of art.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Child Prodigy

William James Sidis could read at 18 months (hyperlexia),
Taught himself Latin at 2,
Greek at 3
Wrote a treatise on anatomy at 4,
Wrote four books and knew eight languages (English, Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, French, German and Vendergood, his own invention) by age eight.
It is said he could learn any language in just a day, and subsequently leanred all the languages that were known.
Went to harvard at age 11
Became a professor at Harvard by age 16
It is estimated that William Sidis had an IQ of 250-300.
And yet he did nothing with his life, and died at just 47 years of age.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Mixed Twins
Matt showed me this the other day and I thought it was a bit strange, especially since they're saying that the two girls came from the same guy. The article talks about how it's a one in a million chance for the skin color to change. Ok, I'll buy that, but to have blue eyes and blond hair as well?!! I'm thinking something fishy is going on to say the least.
A Picture of the Twins

Twins and their Parents

Twins posing with a black and white tiger striped ottoman...heh, i'm sure the allusing is intended.

A Picture of the Twins

Twins and their Parents

Twins posing with a black and white tiger striped ottoman...heh, i'm sure the allusing is intended.