I went to the dentist yesterday to have my teeth cleaned. Confession: I haven't had my teeth cleaned or even visited a dentist in over two years now. Needless to say she found a lot wrong with what I thought were perfect teeth. turns out I have a major cavity which is going to require a root canal plus two other cavities which aren't far behind. Argh, this made me really upset knowing it's going to cost a lot of money and again knowing that my family has hardly any right now. I should set up one of those email chains you know the ones with those pitiful stories about susie who's dying of some unknown disease and needs our money and will only recieve it if you send this email on to ten more people etc. heh yes, expect to recieve one of those if I have your email address..and I have EVERYBODY'S email address! mooohahahah.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
French Open

Federer vs. Nadal
Although I love Federer and I basically want to marry him I always knew that my man Nadal would win the French Open. And even though Nadal looks ridiculous with those nasty culottes his amazingly cut arms make up for it all.
Yay, Vamos Rafa! We're so hooking up sometime in the near future, even though i'm six months older than he is...which is very weird.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Wisdom Teeth
I think I’m getting my wisdom teeth. this whole “teething” process is quite annoying. I can’t believe I went through this times a million when I was first getting my teeth as a baby. No wonder babies are irritable when they start teething. Then again, aren’t you meant to have your wisdom teeth taking out before they start to appear on your gums? Shoot. I’m not relishing getting my gums ripped open and my teeth yanked out. Ahh just thinking about how swollen my face will become due to the soreness of my gums causes pangs of anticipated pain to shoot up from my gums and into my head. Ah the inevitable roads ahead do not look pleasant. I’m grappling over telling my parents vs. not mentioning it at all and hoping it all works out for the best. I’m still trying to decide.