The Wood Between the Worlds

Monday, September 26, 2005


Yesterday I played over thirty games of tennis!!! My oldest brother David and I decided that we weren’t going to be pansies any more and we were going to play the full three sets. Heh, yeah, we’re still not sure if you go to three, or if it’s the first person to three. Regardless we ended up playing two (almost three sets) I beat him in the first set! I very ungraciously kicked his butt 8 games to 6! And then he brutally annihilated me in the second set and I lost 6 games to one! Haha, it wasn’t a pretty picture…and yes I got angry, but not as mad as I could have been. I only threw the racket twice ( I think it’s forever lopsided now).

But then John Bright (senior) and Jakob Petro (junior) came and we played another set or two. I can’t really remember, but David and I wasted them! Hurrah, long live Bogosian power! Haha, well ok so Jakob had just gotten his cast off from a broken shoulder bone, and John had almost twisted his hand from the soccer game the day before! So yeah, I’m thinking it wasn’t quite fair. But it was still fun for David and me! Everyone likes to win right! Heh, doesn’t matter how you do it ;). Wow, I did not just say that when we should always remember; “It’s not whether you win or loose it’s how you play the game.” (yet I’m reading over that and I still can’t help knowing that winning feels a lot better than losing!!!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Ah, I’m so restless! I’ve been stooping over my stupid accounting book so long that my neck hurts and I think I need glasses! Argh, I hate being behind in a class, I’m officially three weeks behind in this impossible class because I couldn’t access it properly over the internet! Ah, the injustice, the discrimination, the unfairness, the cruelty (heh, I’m done, but I could go on).

So right now I’m stuck cuz I feel like doing anything but accounting homework and yet that’s what I need to do the most-- funny how that happens. Maybe it’s cuz I was planning on playing soccer, you know getting some physical exertion to clear my head, but alas, that didn’t work out. So now I’m stuck in my office, trying to read through chapter two of my accounting book and I’m totally unsuccessful. And to add to this restlessness, all I keep thinking about is the fact that this class is not a requirement so why in the world am I taking it! And all the while I want to go running, only it is raining and dark outside, and there are axe murders in the valley waiting to kill me! So I will tactfully refrain from going out there just now.

(Oh and in regard to my previous post, Charlie the friendly dragon friend has left me. I’m not sure where he went due to the fact that the only outlet to the wild world, the outlet being my window, was closed. So perhaps Charlie still is around, feverishly waiting to suck my eyeballs out after all.)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

My Carnivorous Friend

I just get home from a long day of laboring over makeup work for two of my classes that I was delayed in getting into. It’s 12 in the morning, soon to be one in the morning, and I’m super tired all I want to do is fall into my bed and go to sleep. I rush home in my little car, of which the aircon has decided to disappear at death defying speeds and I end up feeling quite proud of my depth perception abilities. I could be a race car driver! I arrive at my house and open my room door. My little sisters are in my room.

Normally I would not have cared but for some reason I got really annoyed cuz I wanted to go to bed, and what are they still doing up anyway! I tell them that they have to leave by the time I take a shower. I finish taking a gross shower of which there was hardly any water pressure and because of such the temperature of the water is super hot, (all you who used to have water heaters in the shower know what I’m talking about!). But I mean you’ve gotta laugh at how retarded the whole thing is. Only I didn’t laugh. I open the door again to my room, and again the little waifs are in my room! Um, wait didn’t I warn them to leave… they have a room of their own, why aren’t they in it! (yes I realize now what a butt I was to my cute little cuddly sisters, however, I really wanted to go to sleep!)

Suddenly I’m greeted with a shriek from mary and she lunges towards me. What is her problem, and then I look where she’s pointing and a freaking dragon was on my wall! This sucker was like three feet long, with claws and fangs and it was roaring at me! And it had some super power skill to change it’s color when you looked at it. It’s red spots would start to glow or something and suddenly that’s all you could see of the dragon, the red glowing spots!

Well, ok so it wasn’t exactly a dragon. But it was a super huge gecko. And it was on the wall looking ominously down at my bed as if it were thinking about strangling whoever got in it! I imagined it coming down at night and sucking my eyeballs out with its mouth. What was he doing here, what were my sisters doing here, why couldn’t I just got to sleep! Well somehow I fell asleep, and when I woke up, Charlie was still there. It was as though he had never moved. Same position, same carnivorous stare at my bed, same glowing red spots. Maybe Charlie is planning on moving in. if so I’ll take a picture of my new “friend” who wants to eat me, and post it up.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It’s been raining now for the past 36 hours, and I love it! The cool and inviting feeling of rain is unparalleled here in the Philippines (ok well I’ve only ever been to California and alaska, and one’s a desert, and the other one should remain uninhabited, that is except in the summer, when it’s gorgeous). So I guess I don’t have much to compare my experiences with, and as napoleon’s brother promptly informed him, “napoleon, like anyone could ever know that.” Regardless though, the rain still is nice. There’s something about the atmosphere that changes when it rains, oh yeah, it’s called low pressure! Heh, I love Ms. Harland. Shoot she’s not even called that anymore because she’s married! Gosh, that has got to be the cutest thing of my life! Getting married at that age! Ah, so cute! But anyway, back to my rain. Yes it is my rain; I believe that I do posses it. Haha ok I’m smoking weed now. But there is something weird about how calming and reassuring rain is. The sound it makes on my roof as it thunders down in huge gusts, and me all safe and dry inside my room watching it’s fury from within; it just makes me feel so happy.

Well apart from the wonderful rain, my life has been filled with tons of reading, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just a time consuming one, as well as getting caught up in classes that I now wish I had never gotten access to in the first place. I would have been fine with the excuse that Internet site was down. But no, good old Michael Sine of “ online communications for weber state university” had to fix it from all the way in Utah! Yeah, something freaky is going on with how much access he has to my computer. Like he was looking straight at my desktop, and my brother watched as he moved things around on my desktop from…UTAH!!! Ah George Orwell was right, big brother is on the loose via the Internet!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Are We Selfish, Are We Nice, or Are We Nice Because We Are Selfish?

"Lets say you were given a choice. Either you can receive $10 and keep it all or you can receive $10 million if you give $6 million to you next-door neighbor. Which would you do? Guessing that most selfish people would be happy with a net gain of $4 million, I consider the second option to be a form of selfish behavior in which a neighbor gains an incidental benefit. " * Can selfish behavior then be seen as benevolence rather than a seemingly unwanted human characteristic?

Why would a monkey, on seeing danger cry out and warn the others in his pack, when any kind of noise would immediately put him in more danger than any of the others? Is the monkey putting others before himself in order that they might live, as a sort of sacrifice for the greater good? No, the monkey realizes that his best chances for survival lie in working together with the pack as a unit rather than as an individual relying on the fact that he too will need to be warned. Thus the sacrificial service, when seen in this light, is nothing but another act of selfish survival. So are we, like the monkey nice only because we are selfish?

*Nunney, L. (1998). Science, 281, 1619

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

ART! Is it worth it??

Ok my art professor is killing me! Heh, seriously though, he asks the hardest questions and yet they appear so simple at first. But don’t let that fool you; they’re actually not simple at all! He’s a trickster alright. Ok he asked questions like: “Should the artist’s technical skill be a prerequisite for a work of art?”

And I’m thinking yes it should and then I’m like shoot… what about all those famous paintings that look like the artist is lacking any hint of “technical” skill, you know the ones that are just a whole bunch of random colors thrown together! Heh, yeah, I didn’t want to seem “uncultured” and then another question was: “What distinguishes the profession of “artist” from other professions?”

Um…ok, actually what DOES distinguish it? I mean my immediate response was, oh they don’t have an office and they are a “free spirit” no on can tell them what to do, cuz they’re “artists” haha… But artists these days do keep regular hours and are even paid by the hour (cartoon drawers, or newspaper drawers even though they’re less “refined” they’re still considered to have a profession as an artist) and not necessarily paid just by the “paintings” they produce, even though hardly any “artists” today actually work with paint and canvas. So needless to say my answers were super long cuz I looked at it from both ways and me being the weirdo that I am, had to explain EVERYTHING. Thus a one-page paper requirement turned into a four-page research paper! Heh, my poor professor is going to kill me!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Jason and Debbie

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david and debbie

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My Gangster Nephew David

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Friday, September 02, 2005

The Joys of Internet College

Ah, the joys of being an online student! I just realized that my first assignment of the year is late. Heh,.. maybe I should check the due dates every so often! Arr...What a bad way to start off the year I think to myself. I quickly start answering the two-page essay question. I finally complete it and it’s only a few hours late, maybe just maybe my professor will have mercy on me since it is, after all, my first assignment, and I am only a freshman. I look over my completed masterpiece. If she’s mad that it’s late, I think, she’ll quickly get over it after she sees my depth of insight, and obvious time spent on this assignment. She’s bound to love it. She might even give me an A despite it being late. Ah, but it needs some better formatting. How about I bold the heading so it stands out more, I’m sure she’ll appreciate that. But wait, there’s not “tools” option in this email format. There must be some formatting tools somewhere. Oh hello what’s this cute little button doing here how about I press it and find out…………………*two minutes later*…………… darn, I just lost my whole assignment.

And that is where I am now, a failing freshman with not only an unwritten assignment, but also a late assignment. Curses. So I decided, rather than start over I’m just going to blog my thoughts. Heh, what a wonderful invention this online journaling is. What a catharsis for my pent up rage! Instead of smashing something, I can write about it.