The Wood Between the Worlds

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Never EVER Swallow Bleach.

Yesterday as I was doing the dishes I came upon a tray that had some chicken on it. I thought to myself, "Rather than throw this delightful morsel of chicken away I will injest it and let it's nutrients become a part of my own matter." As I happily popped the little sucker into my mouth a feeling like Death decided to spread out over my entire being. I gagged, I choked, I ran to the nearest water dispenser and gushed gobbs of cold water in my mouth, swished it around and spit it out. The Death, rather than dissipating however, seemed to spread even more in my mouth. I felt it's poisen reaching down to the depths of my throat as well up to my nose as it seeped through the roof of my mouth. Suddenly my throat was extremely soar as the poisen dried and destroyed whatever it touched. Why was it spreading everytime I tried to delute it with water!?

Then I thought, "It must be bleach...Bleach is an acid...I must drink's a base" good old Mr. Landers had taught me well boy! I chugged the milk as though my life depended on it. Relief flooded through my body. I had outwitted the bleach. WAHAHAHAHA...My life I had saved. I felt rather clever. Then when I asked my mom about it later, I realized it was not bleach that I had unwittingly taken into my mouth but rather Joy dishwashing soap. "Mild on the hands" Joy dishwashing soap. How unromantic. I was no where near the death I supposed was eminently towering over me. That was why as I swished the water around in my mouth the soap only spread making bubbles... hum...ehheh(sheepish giggle)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Master's Cup and Turkey Meat

First off, as for the Master's Cup, I was extremely disappointed that Nadal didn't win, but as a consolation prize I'm glad that Blake lost to Federer as badly as he did in the finals. He was getting a little cocky out there so I'm glad the Fed put him in his place.

As for turkey meat...Thanksgiving is coming up, and I've just come to the realization that I don't enjoy turkey meat all that much. It's kind of dry and dull. But the weird thing is I really enjoy thanksgiving. So I'm thinking turkey is just an excuse or introduction to all the other yummy foods that come our way during this festive day. Like all the pies and mashed potatoes and cranberry sauces and sweet potatoes (but not the kind with marshmellows on top, rather the southern ones with that scrumptious sugar, butter and pecan topping.) However, all that is not to say that I don't appreciate turkey. I love watching my mom pull out all the little bags that one finds inside the turkey these days; like the liver, the neck and the gizzard. Heh, how twisted is that? I mean it's the insides of the turkey, only they've been neatly chopped up, placed in little baggies and put back in a now hollow carcas, for the buyer to find as though it were a prize! Haha it's great. But I also like how the cooking turkey can make the whole house smell "like thanksgiving" and that alone is worth the ordeal of eating the dull thing.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Imagine you are standing over a very high cliff. You're looking over when suddenly someone pushes you. You loose your balance and almost fall over. How would you feel towards that person when you turn around? Angry? Furious? When you turn around though you realize that the person is blind. Now how do you feel? There's a mind change somewhere. Suddenly you're not mad anymore, simply because the man is blind. He didn't know any better for he didn't even see that you were there.

Moral: Don't let your emotions run away with you. The person "pushing you over the edge" is blind to what you're feeling.

That was an illustration given on sunday and I'd never heard it before. I love illustrations that I connect with. Hurray for Pastor Tanchi.

On another and completely different note, the 11th Alaska Cup was on saturday! For those of you who don't know what Alaska Cup is, it's a two day soccer tournament. Every year more and more teams join so it's always fun to see hundreds of soccer players all gather together on two days to play soccer. This year it was really nice because, although i didn't get to play, the weather was perfect--overcast and breezy. So it was still fun to watch my brother play. His team only got sixth place though :(


Pic from Alaska Cup. I had to put this one up because it has the best number in the world in it.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Right this second it is 2:22...there is something strange about palindromes ...something asthetically pleasing. And yes, you eiher love them or you hate them, you can not be in the grey area when dealing with palindromes.

This paticular example below of a palindrome is unbelievably good:

"Palindromes date back at least to 79 A.D., as the palindromic Latin word square "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas" was found as a graffito at Pompeii, buried by ash in that year. This palindrome is remarkable for the fact that it also reproduces itself if one forms a word from the first letters, then the second letters and so forth. Hence it can be arranged into a word square that reads in four different ways: horizontally or vertically from top left to bottom right; and horizontally or vertically from bottom right to top left.


While some sources translate this as "The sower Arepo holds the wheels at work", translation is problematic as the word arepo is otherwise unknown; the square may have been a coded Christian signifier, with TENET forming a cross."
('s so symmetrical.. it works EVERY single way you look at it and it actually means something. it's not just gibberish but actual words that form coherent thoughts. There's no way i can convey how amazing this is to either feel it too or else you think i'm a freak. ;o)