Today I woke up at 7:55 a.m. when I was meant to wake up at 6:00 a.m. Consequently, I missed my ride to my office. So I had to spend the day doing my course work in my room rather than at my office. Somehow, time went by way too fast, and by the time it was five thirty in the evening, I had only finished about 1/8th of my economy review sheet, and only half of an assignment for the same class that is already a week late. Gosh I am procrastinating like no body’s business! But although I felt extremely unproductive all day, it has managed to turn out really nicely. When six thirty rolled around I went up to Faith and played indoor soccer till nine and that made my day! Heh I love soccer, it makes everything so much better. And now I’m happy because I just got to eat the yummiest meal.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
time passes me by
Today I slept in…half on accident, half on purpose. Does that really count? I’m thinking no, but I did anyway. I have the worse sore throat and headache and I think those little munchkins that I babysat last week are responsible for giving me this parting present. I don’t really mind being sick (even though I haven’t been sick for over a year now) but I do mind not getting my schoolwork done! I have been putting off an economics paper for almost a week now, and I just remembered I have an anthropology write up due in a few hours. And of course next week I have exams! Heh, I’m so busy, yet I’m not doing anything about it! And just think; in two weeks NONE of it will matter because it will ALL be OVER! Hurray for time; it never stops moving.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Four Year Olds
Man oh Man, I think I was meant to never grow up. Yeah, I definitely have a Pan complex (for all you AP English wanna-be’s). I’ve been working with the cutest four year olds for the past five days, four hours each day, and I’m starting realize how much I miss being their age. I especially miss coloring in their coloring books. The big pictures and all the happy and exciting images one finds inside a simple coloring book make me so happy. It’s like all those empty spaces on the happy Winnie the pooh or the beautiful Cinderella dress are just begging to be brightened up with color. I remember spending hours everyday just coloring in my coloring books when I was little. Now, once I sit down with the kids and start coloring again I’m realizing what I’ve been missing. Except today, I noticed, as I began to look around that me and the most adorable four-year-old girl named Thea, were the only ones left coloring at the table. All the other kids, the ones that I was meant to be watching, were off on the other side of the room playing something else. I almost got up, but then I second thought the action, and decided to stay coloring. It’s seriously the most relaxing activity in the world. I’m honestly contemplating going down to the mall and buying some coloring books and markers for myself.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Today I babysat eight “charming” little girls and one Norwegian boy for the new tribes people who were having a translation conference. It was an interesting experience, who would have known that four year olds could be so violent with each other. I get to do this for four hours Monday through Saturday; I hope it goes better than it did today. I’m thinking it will because I went there sick with a sore throat and a slight fever, and I’m hoping that I infected at least three of the little darlings perhaps even four, so maybe they won’t be able to come the whole week. Heh, I hope their parents do read this; they’d probably kill me for getting their kids sick.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I’m in hell and I can’t wake up from it. I’m seriously in hell; it’s like some sick marathon from Satan himself. It’s Easter weekend, and it’s summer, a double holiday, and it seems like everyone is out partying. That’s fine; I’m cool with that, partying can be fun. But when it infringes on my sleeping at night and superimposes itself onto my dreams then I begin to get perturbed-frustrated-angry-mad-furious-murderous, (yes it’s all one word, this confusing and rising emotion of mine.) So why am I so angry? It doesn’t even seem like a big deal really, only some RETARD decided to set up a karaoke machine. At first I didn’t mind too much it was only six in the evening and it didn’t get in the way of watching a movie too badly. Little did I know about the enduring strength of the Filipino people and their karaoke machine. But then when I tried to go to sleep at 1:00 A.M. in the morning they were still going at it and I was pretty much amazed, I mean it’s got to take a lot of stamina to be signing full force for over seven hours straight with only a few shifts here and there, when a new voice begins singing. But these feelings of awe quickly turned back to strangely intense feelings of wanting to murder the phantom singers and watch their blood ooze out onto the street as I beat them senseless with their own microphone, for it seems like then and only then will there no longer be singing. What’s making me most upset though is the fact that they’re singing the same five words, to some unknown pinoy chorus, over and over and over…taking turns at it of course so that they won’t get tired. However, I refrained from these, if anything unconventional, thoughts of mine and decided instead to go to sleep. It’s now 6:30 A.M., and as I woke up from a night full of frustrated dreams, I’m greeted by the same five words of the unknown but increasingly unforgettable pinoy chorus. If they keep this up I’m going to beat myself with a microphone. I swear this is what hell is going to be like…four pinoys and a karaoke machine singing a segment of a song like a broken record, (only one that sounds worse every time it repeats…) for eternity.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So Everybody Put Your Best Suit Or Dress On
Well, it’s that time of year again. Junior Senior came and went. It’s weird not being a part of something that used to be my life! Heh oh yes, I lived for banquets. Haha no, not really. I actually found them quite tiresome, what with having to go down to the mall and buy a dress and figuring out what to do with my hair (which always ended up being down anyway ;p). Or trying to find the perfect shoes that matched. Oh and we can't forget the problem of figuring out who could sit at an eight seater table when 10 people wanted to sit together. Not to mention the stress involved in the post banquet plans, for you simply had to have the best and certainly coolest plan! Drama drama drama ;). But they had their fun side as well. Especially when you caught yourself hoping for FIVE months prior to the banquet, that that special someone would ask you. From the photo’s I saw of this year's banquet though, everyone looked cute. But for some reason a large portion of the girls had dresses that were an aqua blue color. Vogue must have predicted (commanded) that this would be the “in” color of the year or something. ;)
Friday, April 07, 2006
It's super hot lately. So hot in fact that my freezer, which is turned onto it's coldest setting, is only as cold as a refrigerator; my refrigerator is the temperature it should normally be outside, and outside is what it should be like only in a sauna or possibly hell. Thankfully I have an aircon in my room... not so thankfully my dad is going to kill me when he sees the electric bill. Thankfully, I don't have to pay it.

Thankfully however, there is hope, I mean I do live in a "tropical paradise" as my dad has to keep on reminding me. Anyway, summer is going to be here soon, and with summer comes vacationing to the beach!

Thankfully however, there is hope, I mean I do live in a "tropical paradise" as my dad has to keep on reminding me. Anyway, summer is going to be here soon, and with summer comes vacationing to the beach!
Monday, April 03, 2006
On the good side of things, the iTunes discovery download last week entitled "Grace" and sung by Phil Wickham is not bad. It’s cool that iTunes puts Christian music on the market like that. But I strongly suspect that it's only because Christians, (having "scruples" with downloading music for free, what with the Bible saying it's wrong etc.), are probably one of their biggest customers. But don't anyone sue me if that's wrong, and christians turn out not to be one of iTune's biggest buyers. it's only speculative anyway. On the dumb side of things, when did the time change happen??? Suddenly my computer was an hour different from my cell phone. I guess my cell phone was changed automatically (evidencing once again that "they" and "them" have way too much control over my things...I mean what if I didn't want my cell phone to switch to an hour earlier, did they ever think of that) And now all my assignments are due an hour earlier!!! This has definitely put a damper on my WSU assignment deadlines. Everything used to be due by 3:00 pm Philippine time (which was midnight in Utah). But now the switchover is an hour earlier, 2:00 pm in the Philippines is now midnight in Utah. Argh, how annoying, why did those people have to think of messing up everyone's lives by switching the time every few months?